Target users: representatives of research centres, small and large technology corporations, translation services and other users or producers of Language Technology, language communities and societies, and policy makers responsible for supporting research and innovation, economy and ICT.
Participants: 80 +
Performed dissemination activities:
The meeting is organized by CESAR, part of МЕТА-НЕТ (Multilingual Europe Technology Alliance), a Network of Excellence consisting of 57 research centres in 33 countries and funded by the European Commission. The four projects within the META-NET – T4ME, CESAR, META-NET4U and META-NORD – will provide access to many Language Resources and Language Tools for many European languages. The event in Sofia is the first in a series of official presentations of CESAR in a number of European countries.
Synergies with CESAR ICT PSP project.
Presentation of the ATLAS project made by TETRACOM: Widening the Scope Harnessing NLP
Techniques in Content Management Systems
Programme of the events: