
Project partners
Project partner details

German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)

German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)
Country Germany
Address Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3 (Building D3 2) D-66123 Saarbruecken
Факс +49 681 857 75-5341
Phone +49 681 857 75-0
Web site
Founded in 1988, DFKI today is one of the largest non-profit contract research organizations in the field of innovative software technology based on Artificial Intelligence methods. DFKI is focusing on the complete cycle of innovation - from world-class basic research and technology development through leading-edge demonstrators and prototypes to product functions and commercialization. Based in Kaiserslautern, Saarbrücken, and Bremen, the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence ranks among the important “Centers of Excellence” worldwide. The research center is set up as a public-private partnership, i.e., it is jointly owned by some of the largest German industrial corporations, two universities, three federal states and the Fraunhofer Society. DFKI has coordinated numerous EU RTD projects among them IPs and NoEs and also provides heavily used services to the R&D community such as the German Competence Center for Language Technology, the renowned information service LT-World and the NLP Software Registry.

The contribution of DFKI to WP6 is crucial for the integration of an industrial-strength machine translation component into ATLAS. Furthermore DFKI's experience with large scale European projects will add a valuable part to the integral knowledge of the consortium and will reinforce the common efforts of the partners to push the envisaged software solutions to a pan-European use. DFKI will be responsible for the following tasks:

  • T6.1 – Fine-tuning of existing translation models
  • T6.2, T6.3 – Implementation of a bridge to EuroMatrix