Authors and editors will benefit from i-Publisher as it saves them valuable time by automatically categorising, summarising and annotating content as well as aiding its translation into other languages.
The corporate client can be efficient in delivering relevant information without spending many man-hours to update its numerous web pages on a daily basis.
In addition to the static navigation blocks, the websites contain dynamic, topic-related blocks. In these blocks the topics are defined through a combination of keywords generated by content. The content shown in these blocks shares the same keywords and gives the user quick access to relevant information.
The hierarchical structure of the organisation is properly mapped. The granular user access rights ensure the fluent and secure workflows. The content editors work only on the content they are responsible for. The approval editors further process the content and after the last approval stage the content is made available online. In addition, the document workflow is organised so that the newly added content is automatically categorised, annotated and translated.
The web design company makes fast prototyping and implements updates in the websites easily.